Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week 28

Today marks the third trimester. WHAAAAAAT?! No it's not....No it's not... It can't be!

But I've come to terms: It is officially the beginning of the end.

This is flying by! I know I said that last week, but seriously. It's basically February, which is one month from March...and then we could expect this little guy at any moment. Twelve weeks to go. I'm. so. excited.

This week was pretty typical. Nothing new really happened, except for him beating me up from the inside. It's the strangest thing. I was in church this morning and all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye, I would see my shirt flickering and shaking. The feeling is so surreal. After I have him, I'll forget what it's like. I'll probably just get pregnant again. :) PSYCHE. 

My body needs a break. And frankly, I would love a glass of wine. Yeesh. I feel like I haven't had one since we got married. Am I always pregnant? #wellhave2kidsbeforeour3rdanniversary

Don't get me wrong though--I wouldn't trade it for the world! Being a mommy is the absolute best gift next to marriage. 

Josh plays in the band at church, so Abs and I sit in the crowd. I keep her with me for the beginning of service during worship (she LOVES music) and once the sermon starts, I'll bring her back to the nursery. Then I'll go and grab her for communion to pray with her and listen to the band once they start playing again. The second we walked in from the foyer (gag me....I hate that word.) to the sanctuary, she immediately spotted Josh on stage and yells in her high-pitched voice, "DA-DAAAA!!!" With the biggest grin on her face. I don't know how she spotted him...the lights were so dim. Anyway, she was totally distracted by everything. We were in line for communion and she was waving to everybody, still saying, "da-da!!," and then reaches out for a lady to hold her.....So my whole point in getting her from the nursery to take communion with her: #fail. I ended up there alone. Once I get back to my new seat (since my daughter was now three rows in front of where we were sitting), I turn to look at Abs and she's got a big smile on her face looking around the room and raising her hands. I know, she has no idea what she's doing, but it's so sweet to see her during worship with a room full of believers worshipping the One true God, the only God. I'm thankful for having a church here that genuinely seeks the Lord. And I'm especially grateful that our church has welcomed our family in and loves our little girl almost as much as we do. 

I'm so excited to meet our little guy (in 12 short weeks!!) and see what fun, quirky things he will do.

How far along? 28 weeks
Symptoms: HA. Because it has been so cold out, I was layered up. So I had a pair of leggings on under a pair of maternity jeans with a long sleeve shirt. I legitimately could not wash the soap out of Abigail's hair because I couldn't bend forward any more. I had to pull both pairs of the maternity band part on my pants down and take my shirt off just to rinse her head. #help
Total weight gain/loss: +14
Sleep: Yes
Food cravings:  I really wanted strawberry bubbleicious gum this week and nowhere sells it. Rude. Also, I ate all of Abigail's goldfish during church this morning. She was in the nursery, so she has no idea.
Best moment of this week: Our 2D & 3D ultrasound! 
Movement: soooooo much
Labor signs: NO
Gender: little guy :)
Belly button in or out?: In
What I miss: a glass of wine?
What I am looking forward to: Appointment Friday! I go bi-weekly now ahhh!
Milestones: Third trimester, baybeh! 
Weekly wisdom: Don't bathe your child while pregnant. They can go 9 months without one.

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