Sunday, January 12, 2014

27 weeks


I'm 27 weeks pregnant.

I'll have a sweet baby boy in my arms in 13 weeks or less.

Or more if he is a procrastinator like his big sister.

Please be less. I wanna see your face!

Speaking of. Tomorrow we get an ultrasound and see his face! YAY!

Hoping & praying things have fixed since our last ultrasound! If you don't like the word "placenta" (who does?) stop reading.

If for some reason my placenta did not slide over, then I'll be having a C-section. And that scares me. To know I have no sort of control of delivering this little buttoncake. It scared me half to death delivering Abigail and the nurses putting an oxygen mask on me while pushing. #ThoughtIwasdying Plus, experiencing what I did while having Abs was one of the neatest things I've ever done. And my mom and Josh were right there next to me. Soooo we will find out more news tomorrow!

Sweet son,

The past few weeks have been nuts. We have been so busy around here, namely flying Delta. (#neveragain) And with Abs movin & groovin, I feel like this pregnancy is fLyInG. Daddy & I were shocked to realize I'm already at 27 weeks. That means THIS semester we will be meeting you, baby! Before daddy even takes his final exams, we will have you!
I have to tell you, you have the sweetest big sister ever. Although she doesn't fully understand what a baby is, she seems to get that you are in my belly. She says your name throughout the day. And when she says it, it's the cutest thing! She whispers it so softly with a smile. When we show her your pictures from the doctors, she says it too. And every time we ask her where you are, she points to my belly and kisses it. Daddy & I pray for you two to have a special bond. One where you love and respect each other. One where you play together and enjoy it. One where you pray for each other. One where you experience God together. One where you push each other in the right direction. We love you so much already and are so ready to hold you. Our lives are about to change drastically with you here, but we will embrace it! You are more than a blessing to us--you are a gift created by the Maker of Heaven and Earth. And because of that, Daddy & I will do all that we can to lead you and your sister in the ways of the Lord. We promise to raise you with Scripture all around our home. We promise to love you always.
We look forward to your arrival, baby! As for now, keep moving around. I love when Daddy can actually feel you. Sometimes I feel like you play games with us. I will feel you kick me a few times, and as soon as I tell your dad to feel, you stop. You little comedian, you. Keep growing and kicking me. I love it...even when it hurts so bad that it's hard to breathe.

Love you always. Love you more,

And there you are. Right smack, dab in the center of the picture. You're apparently a camera hog, because look how much room you are taking up. Yeesh. 

How far along? 27 weeks
Symptoms: Nose bleeds. Every. Single. Day.
Total weight gain/loss: +14 #noshame
Sleep: Not bad. Although when I wanna turn over, it takes like 45 seconds.
Food cravings:  Well, my friend bought chocolate covered caramels the other day...#thankswhitney 
Best moment of this week: Getting back to Massachusetts safely. 
Movement: Every day! Yesterday was the most frequent I have felt you. Ooooh I love you! 
Labor signs: Heck naw
Belly button in or out?: Innerz
What I miss: feta cheese. #getinmybelly
What I am looking forward to: Ultrasound tomorrow!! 
Milestones: Entering into the third trimester this week! Woah. Baby.
Weekly wisdom: Chocolate Molten Lava Cake @ Chili's. That is all.

Friday I had my regular check up to hear his heartbeat. It always scares me at first because it takes a few seconds to find it! Every appointment, it's always been down low on the right side and this time it was on the left. I was shocked because I've only felt him on my left side twice so far. Then I had to do the sugar test. Ew.

I walked over to the lab and the lady greeted me with, "Here. Drink this. You have 5 minutes. Go." And people say the Northeast doesn't have kind people............

My friend came with me to the appointment because Josh had class all day. Thank God for her. She took care of Abs while I drank this crap. Sorry. Bad word. But it. was. gross. You know, it tastes like Freeze Pops when they melt, except way more sugary. I mean, I was so tempted to give Abs the whole dang thing. She was smiling at me and signaling "more, please" to me. Oooooh that face! Those manners! She was too sweet not to give her my juice.....Kidding. I didn't. But I mean I was THIS close. I'm pretty sure the lab lady was eying me like a hawk though. So here I am, plugging my nose while drinking it. Lookin like an idiot. And I get up to tell her I'm finished, and she says, "No you're not. There's still a little left. Chug it and come back."


Guys. The amount left was like when you drink a soda and you have to tilt your head back 180 degrees (yes, a straight line) and it takes 2 minutes to reach your lips. 
Was she really this brutal to her patients? Or maybe it was my hot baby bump she was jealous of. Who knows. Who really knows.
I can't wait to share his name when he gets here! It has so much meaning to us. A few people that we have told dont like it. You know, where they ask you what his name is with a smile on their face, and then you tell them and they crinkle their nose? Or they say, "" I dont mind opinions, but get real. It's our son's name. And its nothing Crazy like North West or Apple. Just a very simple name with a lot of meaning.


  1. Mandi! You're so cute. I love reading your blogs. For the record, a little birdy told me his name and I LOVE it. It is actually on our future baby name list! Can't wait till he is here! I would say so I can meet him but I haven't even met Abigail yet! Just post lots of pics. You're good at that. Can't wait! :)

    1. Ooh who told ya?! The first name or middle name? I love both :)
