Thursday, September 27, 2012

Movin' to Mass!

Welcome to Massachusetts...

Home of the Patriots, inflation of taxes, and most importantly...Dunkin Donuts! 

Recently we moved alllllll the way up the east coast from Florida... Just an itty bitty town called Niceville. Yes, everyone there is nice. Now, we live in a beautiful town in South Hamilton! Yes, everyone here loves ham. Just kidding! 

Here's a few difference in the two towns:

  • In Florida, there are Walmart's everywhere. In Massachusetts, there are Dunkin Donuts..EVERYWHERE. I'm talkin 3 within two-tenths of a mile! This is no exaggeration people!
  • In Florida, we have one season. It's called HOT. H-0-T- HOT! In Massachusetts, we have all 4 seasons. (The leaves are starting to change!!)
  • In Florida,  everything is off of the main road. In Massachusetts, you have to take the highway and get off of an exit to get ANYWHERE.
  • In Florida, people wave to say "thanks!" for letting them switch lanes. In Massachusetts, people...well...let's just say they don't express their gratitude...
  • In Florida, there are churches on every corner. In Massachusetts, well...there aren't. 
Anyway, life is g-double o-d, good here. The transition was pretty rough for Josh & I on different levels. Josh was blessed with a phenomenal scholarship to come to school here, but in turn, he has meeting after meeting after meeting....after meeting for it. So, our time together is limited. (I do have to brag though...He sure does do a good job putting me before schooling though!) Because he's a full-time student, there's hardly any time to fit work (eww! did I say WORK?!) into the schedule. Let's be real here. We all know what our fabulous economics teachers (and my witty dad) always said, "There's no such thing as a free lunch!."  So, tick-tock. Time to find us a job...
I on the other hand had a harder time adjusting due to loneliness. Boooo! It was a HUGE adjustment. Josh is busy in school Monday-Friday (or in a meeting! ;)) and Lord KNOWS i'm not going to go drive around with these crazies on the highway to get any place! But, thanks to my sweet parents, I received a GPS in the mail today!!

Good news though! Josh & I met a couple who we just love. God completely set us up before even meeting. Our good friend, Daniel went to school with Zach in Washington. Zach & Carie (and their sweet new addition, baby Benaiah!!) left WA because they were called to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts. As we get to know them, we keep finding more and more connections that the Lord has planted in order to bring us together. It would have been a much harder transition if it weren't for this sweet family of three! I don't think we'd like them if they didn't have such a beautiful baby...just kidding! 

Also, Josh & I have been talking about finances and trusting and believing that God WILL provide (as He always does, and always has). We had emailed the Dean of Students to apply for a position as the RLCs (Residency Life Coordinators) for our building. She interviewed us and explained how we were an answer to prayer because the RLCs from before had just resigned and they were really praying hard, believing God would bring a couple to do this job. Little things like this make it so reassuring that we are not only welcome here, but called here. The Lord has provided in a variety of ways---so we have NOTHING to complain about! Sometimes we just have concerns...and God ALWAYS calms us during those times. 

So, now that we are the RLCs, we have responsibilities! It's our "job" (privilege, really) to bring community into this building. About 70% of our building are from another culture (Kenya, Korea, Japan, China). I met with two other sweet girls tonight, who just moved here as well, to start up a Bible Study for our building. We're very excited and hoping for diversity within the group! 
Here's our flyer! 

I could keep rambling on and onnnnnnn about life so far...but I won't bore you to sleep! Or have I already?! 

I do want this blog to not just be about "life" in the Pool household. I want to share what God is teaching me, my husband, and us as a couple.  Within the 4 weeks that we have been here, He's taught us to value one another--to really love each other... to put each other's needs above our love each other the way Christ loves the Church. 

(I know we've all heard this, and can probably quote it...but look at the MEANING of it. Really dissect what Paul is trying to convey.)

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends..." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
"Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:3-4 
"Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." Romans 12:10 
Parting note: No matter your circumstances, no matter your hardship, no matter your busy through it all. Put others above yourself. Treat each other with genuine respect. Love is NOT rude. Love does NOT boast. Love never ends. 

Blessings to you! 


  1. it's nice to feel like we're there with y'all:) we miss you guys! i'm excited your blogging and will definitely keep up!

  2. We still want to be apart of your lives! Gotta fill you in somehow :)
