Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Life really is a Pool party....

**This post was actually written August 7.

I turned 24 in June. I have a 9 month old. I’ve been married for 2 years. Say it. Go ahead. “You’re old, Mandi.” There’s something about becoming a wife & mother that just makes you….old. Old, shmold.

I’m not really sure when this first came about in my heart, but ever since I can remember, I’ve had this incredible dream of adopting a little black boy and a little Asian girl. I’m not sure why those specifics (except, let’s be real, they’re b-e-a-UTIFUL.) When Josh & I got married, we talked about our dreams as a family and what we each pictured:

I pictured me next to Josh with a house and six children.

That wasn’t a typo. I checked.


That’s how many I want! [Notice I said “I…”]

Josh’s dreams as a family were sliiiiiightly different. Two children.


No, Josh.

That’s like, basically one. Which is an only child. Which….no. BORING.

[Hey everyone. Josh here interjecting…My wife wants to found a small city. She says six kids, she’d love ten. She’s insane. Why did I want two? Oh, I dunno…maybe because six kids on a pastor’s salary is like a man shopping for his wife’s makeup or a little girl trying to change the oil…IT IS CRAZY. Pastors…like…don’t make money. And yet here we are starting a village. I suppose Mandi has convinced me of a bigger family. I have painstakingly brought the dream of six kids down to only five (keep in mind…when talking about kids…the words ‘only’ and ‘five’ don’t even go together). My goal is to sneak down to four kids over the course of the next few years. We’ll probably have seven before I finish school. #mywifeloveskidsmorethanoxygen. Anyway…back to Mandi’s blog now.]

Fast forward six months, “we” got pregnant (I’ll take all the credit though J) with our precious girl, Abigail.

Fast forward 9 months. Abigail is born! What a miracle! We have prayed over and over that Abigail would have such a sweet and kind spirit, the way Jesus does. I know she’s just a baby, but she really is the sweetest. Her eyes get tiny when she smiles because her smile goes from ear to ear. She has two dimples under one of her eyes when she smiles and one under and above the other eye. She’s just a happy girl. She loves people, and especially children. Whenever we go out, she just stares at everyone around her.

Let’s fast forward 9 more months.

Here we are today. Abigail is 9 months old. We can’t believe it. She’s amazing. She’s very smart. She’s very funny. She’s very happy. Anddddd She’s 9 months old. My gosh a lot of things happen in 9 months.

Two days ago (August 5th), I was on my way home from work and decided to make a quick stop at the store. I rushed home because I was very excited to see Josh & Abigail…even though I only nanny three hours at a time. I really love them. J Anyway, I was so excited to see them that I literally tripped up the stairs.

Who does that?

Did I mention that there are only 5 steps?


My right shin got a chunk of skin taken off, while my left shoulder and forehead rammed right into the top step. I’m laughing as I write this by the way. I got up quickly, rushed in the door and gave them a big ole’ hug and wet kiss.

I’m sure you’re wondering WHY I was so excited to see them when I had been gone for the amount of time it takes to watch 3 episodes of The Bachelor. I had a surprise! Well, it was something that could possibly be a surprise…or possibly be a semi-let-down.

I’m not sure how else to put it, but….

In case 2 weren't enough for reality to sink in....

Wait, what?

Abigail being snooty because we just told her she won't  be an only child anymore

Both of my nanas were together, so we made a puzzle and had them put it together! 


[Josh here again. I refused to believe it. I cannot believe it. How? Well, I know how but HOW?!? Crazy. After the first test, I was not convinced. There is no way this is accurate. These things don’t always work, ya know? She needs to take another.


I dunno. I’m not sold. Take another.


Let’s buy a three pack…

Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant.

Are you kidding?…can’t walk. She can’t even say my name. She practically ignores me sometimes. And now Abigail #2 bought a plane ticket and arrives in 9 months. Wow. Family of four… we’re gonna be a village after all. Back to Mandi now.]

We debated on how to “announce” it. Josh wanted me to buy a shirt that said “Big Sister.” So, I went out and what do ya know, no stores had one. Really? Sold out? No. Wrongo. I thought about it for a quick second and realized…companies DON’T MAKE SHIRTS FOR 9 MONTH OLDS AND ASSUME THEY’RE GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER.

Abigail has no clue what’s comin'.

In fact….we don’t either. I’m a littttttttle bit nervous. No. That’s an understatement. I’m a lot a bit nervous. We went out to eat and as I was feeding Abs in her high chair, I thought to myself, “Holy moly, next year we’re going to say, ‘2 adults and 2 high chairs please.’” Lord, have mercy on me.

How far along? 5 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: -2 lbs. How does that happen? Oh I know, nausea limits food intake. Ohhhh boy
Maternity clothes? I may or may not have already purchased some things the day after we found out.
Stretch marks? No way jose. Stay that way, will ya?
Sleep: Sleeping great. Abigail has been sleeping 10 hours at a time letting mama and daddy rest too before life gets a little more chaotic.
Best moment this week: Chipotle. This may be my answer every week. Just sayin.
Have you told family and friends: a few very close friends and  our families.
Miss Anything? Sushi. I feel like I was just pregnant and couldn’t have sushi. Oh wait.
Movement: Too early! But I’m so excited for that moment to come and for Abigail to feel it!
Food Cravings: Chipotle. Firehouse Subs. Banana Peppers.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Hmm…is “everything” an answer?
Have you started to show yet: Jeez I hope not!
Gender Prediction: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!.........I hope my husband would say the same…
Looking forward to: first doctor’s appointment!

As of right now, September 25, I'm 11 weeks, 3 days.

Life is so fun :)

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