Thursday, April 11, 2013

I've learned a few things recently:

1. I'm busier than I thought I was.

2. Abigail's bed time has officially became our bed time.

3. I have, by no choice, become a multi-tasker.

In case you forgot, my name is Mandi. It'd be easy to forget considering I haven't been able to blog in over a month. But why? One word: Abigail. She is the greatest gift, and I'd never ever change a thing about her. Okay, maybe one thing. The girl zombie doesn't take naps during the day! I have to go out to get her to sleep in the car seat. Darn those trips to Target....(kidding.)

Many people have asked how I get things done in the day. Two words: I don't. I've tried carrying her in the front-pack, I've tried letting her cry, I've tried putting her in front of toys...The girl doesn't budge. She's a BOSS. It's like she's on a sugar high all day...except that isn't possible because she only guzzles milk. I sure do love her though.

She's a whoppin 5 months now! With that said, I've adjusted to her non-sleeping-patterns and have learned how to survive. I'm lying. The only way I get things done is because I've been graced with a husband who values our family higher than himself. As you know, Josh is in school full-time and is extremely busy. Let me just give ya a little glimpse into the life of my main man: Just one of his classes includes 7 books to read. He's in 4 classes. His goal this week is to read 200 pages a day. I can't tell you the last time I even read 200 pages...let alone in a day. His work ethic is seriously so impressive.

He will go to class from 8-9 and then to the library to read for a few hours. But before he heads to the library, he always calls right after class to see if Abigail has tied me down or duct taped me. There have been times where he's had to walk down the hill and skip out on homework to relieve me from the beast. He does it without question too. When he calls to ask if I need help (knowing I do because there's a screaming babe in the background), I usually respond with, "I'm so it okay if you come help?"

The point is I need help. Just a side note: He's never not helped me. I'm trying to be a better wife. You know, the kind who submits to her husband and understands that the pressures of school (and life in general) are eating at him. I'm trying to balance being a mom, a wife, a nanny (I got a job!!!!), and a Christian all at the same time. Maybe it's easy for some people. But I feel like a mess. Just one hot mess.

Speaking of messes...our apartment. Holy guacamole, I swear we have to invite people over for dinner in order for us to clean. Please tell me you're the same way....Whatever! I've battled enough with being stressed because laundry or dishes weren't done. I tell you what though, when people come over, Josh & I turn into some mean-lean-cleanin'-machines. things. get. done.

I don't know how to do it all well, but I do know that God says REST in HIM. And, If I'm going to be totally honest, I'd have to tell you that I don't do that always. It's so easy to complain to Josh rather than going straight to Him in prayer.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

I've read this a number of times and never fully understood it until right now. Can I give you a mini-lesson? (I'm a teacher. Bear with me!) So a 'yoke' is a farming tool that joins two animals (such as oxen) together, so that they can share the workload and become more productive. Look at these Oxen. First of all, do they not look like they are having a hay-day of a time? The one on the left looks like he's smiling a bit. :) Back to the lesson...If two oxen are of different strengths, they won't work together well. It's kinda like doing a 3-legged race with your dad. You KNOW dad is gonna drag ya to the ground because you aren't able to go the same pace as him. Picture that for a second. It'll give ya a good little laugh.

So when Jesus says, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls..." He's saying to be with Him. Join Him. He will equip us, teach us, and guide us to be effective...IF we allow Him. He promises rest. In the process, we will become more like Jesus: gentle and lowly in heart; humble.

I'd just like to add that this blog post has taken me three days to write. Life is busy. Mama is tired. But I find my rest in Him! I choose to go to Him first. He is my resting place. He is my strength. He is my joy. He is my peace. He is my God.

Enjoy today, and find time to rest. You'll feel so much better and at peace if you go to Him first.

with Love.