7:37—a time that is probable to meaning nothing to you, but
means the world to us. It’s the time that changed our lives forever.
Before I begin our story with details of labor &
delivery, I have to start out by explaining the “fun” of pre-labor. And by fun,
I mean THE dismal gloom of uncertainty.
Once I hit week 37 of being pregnant, I was told, “She’s going to come out any
day now!” (Really they were saying that to make me feel better… and because I
was the size of Russia.) I googled, I texted all my mama friends, I believe I
did it all. That’s right people, it was time to self-induce. Mama couldn’t take
it anymore. No lie, my feet grew from a size 7 ½ pre-pregnancy to a size 8 ½ by
the end of my pregnancy. I. was. swollen. I had bags under my eyes so bad it
looked like black holes. My belly was so big if I leaned forward at all, I’d
just topple over. So, yes, it was time. I was in complete desperation-mode.
Josh, being the LOVING husband that he is, so graciously squeezed my pressure
points on my ankles. I begged him to. This baby was COMIN’ OUT. I ran up and
down the stairs in our apartment building sideways. I made “labor cookies.”
(Seriously. My mom and I went to the grocery store and bought all the
ingredients… and they were DAAAAAANG good!!) I bounced on a yoga ball all day
for the last 4 weeks of pregnancy. We drove 40 minutes just for Pizza Hutt so I
could have the spicy seasonings on my pizza. I used lots of hot sauce on my
Taco Bell tacos. I ordered spicy chicken (#7 at Wendy’s in case you’re interested). None. Of. This. Worked.
Now, when I said “desperation-mode,” I meant it. That’s
right people, we bought castor oil. I always told myself I would never take
this. The side effects seem a little….not so fun. But like I said,
desperate. Mom and I got home (Josh was
at the library and had no idea) and it was go-time! Couple teaspoons of this
mixed in OJ and I was ready to have me a baby girl!....so I thought. I read
from people how quick it made them go into labor, and I read from others how
it’s basically a death sentence to take. Once again, desperate. What’d I have
to lose? My bowels? (sorry, bad joke.) People, I’m not lying here. I took this
junk at 9 PM, went to bed (notice I said bed and not sleep) and within 3 hours
I was in EXCRUTIATING pain. I didn’t get one second of sleep. 4 AM rolls around
and thankfully Josh was awake at this point. How could he not be awake? I was
walking around our apartment for six hours. I seriously felt like I was about
to die. He dialed the hospital’s number for me…THIS WAS IT Y’ALL…ABIGAIL WILL
BE HERE TODAY!!!..They answered the phone, asked me what it felt like. I calmly
described it feeling like someone was taking a bag full of knives and stabbing
them into my back and pelvis. Her response: “Excuse me?” “Yes,” I replied.
“Knives. Someone is throwing knives at me. I’m in a lot of pain.” She suggested
I take a warm bath to ease the pain. Silly nurse, I didn’t want to ease the
pain. I wanted my baby! She told me to call back when my contractions got
closer together. At this point they were already 5 minutes apart. At 9:00 AM,
my mom, Josh, and I scurried our way to the hospital. We did a quick pose in
front of the hospital for keepsake. After waddling my way up to Labor &
Delivery, I get put in a room to be checked. A midwife came to check on me just
to reassure me I was “probably not in active labor.” I was doing everything I
could to hold back my tears because 1. I wanted to meet our sweet baby girl,
and 2. My pain was miserable. On a scale of 1-10, I was a 15. The midwife told
me that I needed to just go home and wait until my body goes into labor on its
own. She basically told me being induced was not an option. Was she nuts?! I
was already 6 days past my due date. Girl, it was TIME. Once she told me that,
the waterworks came a’ rollin down my swollen face. I had 5 different doctors
in the 8 appointments I’ve had here sense we moved here. Every single doctor
told me a different thing. She was very sympathetic and decided if I hadn’t had
Abbie by Thursday (in 4 more days), she would induce me and deliver me. I said,
done deal. Now we go home and wait….and eat more labor cookies for the heck of
it. The pain subsided and mom & I walked around the mall for 6 hours. Six.
Hours. People. I had to buy new shoes because my feet were in so much pain! I
know what you’re thinking, “Why didn’t you just go home and rest, stupid?” I
tell ya why. Abigail wasn’t coming out of me from sitting down. I was walking
this baby out of me. Night time rolls along and the pain is back in action and
much worse. As in…a 25 on a scale of 1-10. My mom insisted I called the doctor.
I really didn’t want to because I was positive I was just going to get turned
down again. But, we all know mom’s know best! So, it’s 9AM and mom and I made
our way back to the hospital. We drove there blind-folded because I’d been
there so much. Just kidding. But seriously, been there so many times! Little
does Josh know, mama is about to go into labor! I didn’t want to tell him and
then get sent home again, so I waited. My original doctor happened to be on the
rotation for the day, thank God! (I seriously prayed that she was the one to
deliver me) She came in the room and said I was only at 2 centimeters. Two
centimeters? Are you kidding me? I was 2 for the past week and a half! Then she
informs me I’m still not in active labor. COME AGAIN?! She then gave me the
option of going home to “wait it out” or staying there to be induced. You
better BELIEVE my booty stayed right there in that hospital bed until Abigail
Wrae Pool was born. Now….the fun part!
Text Josh. Yep, I texted. Just to rattle his boots a bit.
“Doc says we’ll have our baby girl by midnight!” He was in class and had no
idea we were even at the hospital. I’m mean, huh!? J My doctor said I would
get IV at 11 and Pitocin an hour later. So by the time Josh got to the
hospital, I was already starting to feel good. As a sidenote—Josh wasn’t being
rude to finish his class and THEN come to the hospital, I told him to finish up
because let’s be real, who really wants to come watch an IV prick me in the
wrist? NOT ME! I couldn’t even look! Ok,
I’m about to get pretty graphic, people.
I came in the hospital at “about 2 centimeters.” Doc checked
me after Pitocin started and I was at 4 cm. So as contractions get stronger, OBVIOUSLY
I’m going to play Family Feud on the Ipad. I needed to take my mind off of the
pain. Eventually, we made it to the Fast Money Round (that’s my favorite part!)
and I just couldn’t take the pain anymore. Y’all. I thought I was about to roll
over and just die. (If you’re reading this and are pregnant…it’s not really
THAT bad………….) Family Feud was put on hold, darn you, Pitocin! An hour goes by
and I’m at 5 cm. So progress, terrific! Apparently you’re supposed to be a
centimeter bigger every hour. Finally the Pitocin kicked in and I was feelin
freeeeeeeeee! I can do this. I’m tougher than some contractions. I’m just
sitting on the hospital bed like a beached whale while my nurse is talking to
me and all of a sudden SOMETHING popped. “WOAH GROSS….something just…popped. And
I’m soaking wet…” My water popped on its own! Wahooooo!! I didn’t want them to
have to do it. Well, and hour later doc comes in and says she’s gonna check me
and “hopefully you’re at 7 centimeters. Let’s check!” Here I am thinking she’s actually hoping for that….so she checks
and says “Um…you’re at 10 centimeters! I’m shocked, honestly I didn’t even
think you’d be at 7 centimeters yet.” I SHOWED THEM!
Now for the scariest moment of my life: “Alright guys, 7
o’clock I’ll be back and it’s time to push.” Wait…WHAT? I thought by midnight…
Now my eyes were glued to the clock. The more I looked at
the clock, the more my stomach dropped. Oh wait, that was just the baby…but
seriously, my heart sank. Our lives were about to be so different. But I
couldn’t WAIT! This baby has been in me long enough, let’s come on out baby
6:50… “Josh, we have ten minutes.” INHALE. EXHALE. INHALE.
EXHALE. REPEAT. It still gives me chills thinking about it. Seven o’clock rolls
around and the doctors haven’t come in yet. Good, more time to breathe and try to not freak out. As anxious as I
was for Abbie to come into the world, I was COMPLETELY nervous about the
process in order to get her here. The moment I saw blue scrubs at the door in
the corner of my eye (I told you, my eyes were glued to the clock.), my heart
skipped a beat…or two. They didn’t really even say, “It’s GO time!” It was, “Josh,
grab her leg!” So mom was required (and I mean required) to stay north at all
On a side note: I have to be honest with you, I had two main
concerns: 1. I REALLY hope I don’t poop on the table. Sorry. I told you it was
gonna get a little graphic. 2. I NEEDED to get a recovery room immediately. I
say that because when I went to the hospital for a non-stress test a week
prior, I was told people have been poppin babies out left and right lately.
Well, those are my words. Really they said it’s “been preeeeetty busy this
weekend.” Apparently there was only one recovery room open and then a shared
room. Shared Room: n. a place to recover with another mother while
husbands/partners are at home. The husbands aren’t allowed to stay overnight,
even if you were to deliver your little bamina/o at 3am due to liability. I was
NOT getting this room. I WILL fight for it. Hunger Games style.
Okay, back to the story. In between each contraction I would
push. Lucky me though, I couldn’t feel the contractions, we just saw it on the
monitor thank goodness! This is the point where I turned into a monster. A real
monster. I didn’t quite grasp the full concept of how to breathe AND push at the same time. The nurse demonstrated
what I should be doing, while I on the other hand demonstrated what not to be
doing. My face, as red as a tomato, blew up so big it looked like I was about
to give birth out of my mouth. “No. you’re doing it wrong. Watch me.” says the not-so-humored
nurse. Finally, I caught on. My very first push you could see her head. Josh
turned to me teary-eyed and said, “I can see her! She’s RIGHT here!!” This is
making me tear up right now. I wish I could relive this moment over and over
and over. Anyway, the nurse says to keep on keepin’ on. So I push, and I push,
and I push…my doctor walks in a few minutes into it and sat on the table Indian-style,
sorta like a Buddha. Except she’s really tall and thin. All I keep hearing is, “yes,
yes, yes!! Keep going!” If you coulda seen the look on my face…I was about to
blow up from pushing. The pushing wasn’t painful at all, it was her darn head!
You’ll see why in a few moments…So really quickly, I have to tell you that one
of my many fears of delivering a baby is dying while giving birth. Seriously.
So once I’m about 10 minutes into it, all of a sudden an oxygen mask gets put
around my face! I cannot tell you how scared I was at this moment. I really
thought I was about to die. So my eyes start filling up with tears, silly me….they
were just trying to help me breathe a little easier. I continue to push…..and
then I stop. Seriously, acid reflux in the middle of delivery. I was
interrupted 3 times because of this. Yucky! Continue to push…and I’m itching
EVERYWHERE. I looked like I had ticks. Apparently epidurals (don’t even get me
started about my epidural.) can make some
people itchy. I was that lucky “some people.” Next thing ya know, I hear “give
it one more push!” and then “Congratulations! She is SO beautiful!!” 7:37. The
moment that changed our lives. 22 minutes of pushing, and it was the best time
of my life. Seeing Josh hold her was one of the most beautiful moments I've ever seen. It's what I'd been waiting for so bad. The love a father has for his daughter is so precious to me, and it's nothing compared to what our Father in Heaven has for Abbie.
This is sad, but the first thing I asked was if I...you know...went potty on the bed. I DIDN'T!! Second thing they said was that I won the battle!! I ended up delivering before the other two women so THEY got the shared room..suckas!! Actually, I did feel really bad for them because I'd hate to be there without my husband! But I was ONE happy camper!!
Now I’m a blubbering mess. This baby was created in the
image of God, handcrafted by our Creator. I just wanted to stare at her! I felt
so attached to her already. I couldn’t believe she is what we’ve been dreaming
of and trying to picture for the past 41 (long) weeks. I had three specific
prayers, and I know this might sound silly…but I prayed for her to have dimples,
a head full of hair, and eyes like her daddy. All three were given. It’s the
little things that bring so much joy! I love that about our God! He knows the
desires of our heart, whether they’re small like this, or big. Our sweet baby
girl is healthy and so gorgeous.
I could keep this story going for as long as she lives, but
I’ll stop here. There’s so much to write about her! Her eyes twinkle. Her toes
spread apart. Her cry makes me giggle. Sometimes it makes me cry. Her
button-nose is so cute. Her smile is contagious. Her hands and feet are so
soft. And her little bum…I could just squeeze it! But most importantly, she’s
healthy. And for that, we are SO thankful. She’s one of the three greatest
gifts I’ve ever received: redemption, marriage, and the birth of our baby girl.
7:37. A new creation blessed the Earth. Now I understand how
my mom sees me—her little girl that she’d do anything for.
labor cookies....told ya!
nothing like bouncing on a yoga ball to deliver a baby!
before! |
me and mom waiting! |
7:00...heart skipping beats. and lots of them. |
I love that cry! |
Swollen lips and eyes. So beautiful still!! |
CONE HEAD. explains the pain, huh? |
7 lb. 7 oz. born at 7:37. 20 3/4 inches of pure love. |
taking laps around the hallway |
I love you, sweet girl. |
My treasure |
3 generations! |
Family <3 |